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The very masculine Maestro is a musician like no other. Real name Adam Simpson (, he was born in Melbourne with an Australian and Malaysian Chinese/Anglo-Indian descent. Raised in Shepparton, Maestro began his musical journey when he received a keyboard from Santa on his eighth year of Christmas. He had massive joy in fiddling with all different kinds of sounds but it wasn’t until 6 months later when his mother asked him “Would you like keyboard lessons?" He said “Yes” and this is how his music journey began.

At twelve years old his parents bought a piano and during his teenage years Maestro was largely into musical styles of rock, heavy metal, techno, trance and orchestral music and from his middle teenage years Maestro started to write his own music and hysterically wrote his very first piece called “Elephant March." Maestro always wrote sketches and still continues to write and complete them.

After graduating high school, Maestro continued studying music and studied classical piano at Sir Zelman Cowen School Music, Monash University. He received advanced musical training but he really always enjoyed writing music. He can write music in any genre and pretty much loves all styles.


One thing that Maestro definitely wants to bring back to the world – real musicians (and this has got absolutely nothing to do with that he is educated). The music industry is crying for the change and well known names at all have not been heard in a long time. People have actually forgotten on what real art really is.

Other interests that Maestro would like to achieve is completing a PhD in music composition conjunct to listening to music analysis. He has "Perfect pitch" and can identify all letters (a, b, c,) and chords. However, his main focus is to refine his voice, complete his music and continue his current one-man runned band and now he is currently looking for other musicians to join his band.


Band members - Adam Simpson, voice, piano and writes the dots on the page.

Lead and rhythm guitar - currently looking.

Bass guitar - currently looking.

Drums - currently looking.


Sounds like - Rammstein, Evanescence and Nightwish.

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